Friday, May 30, 2008

Glossary of Knitting Terms and Abbreviations

I grew up knitting in Germany. So when I started knitting again in the US many years later, I had a hard time with English knitting instructions. Even the simplest things like "yo" threw me. Over time, I learned and learned and struggled and learned some more. One of the most helpful sites I found was the Knitting Glossary on They even have little video clips of many stitches for both Continental and English knitting style!

But, to be sure I thought I would start my own glossary, so I would always have a place to go to and look things up. And here it is:

Note: this is a compilation (borrowed, stolen, copied) from a variety of different sources, too numerous to list. Please let me know what's missing...

“ or in(s) inch(es)

( ) repeat instructions inside the parentheses

* repeat instructions following the single asterisk

* * repeat instructions between asterisks

alt alternate

approx approximately

bar increase one stitch by knitting into the front and back of same stitch

bc back cable

beg begin(ning)

bet or btw between

blo back loop only

bo bind off, cast off

bor bind off row

bpdc back post double crochet

bt back twist

cA color A

cB color B

cc contrasting color

cdd centered double decrease. sl2 tog, k1, pass the slipped stitches over (tog)

ch chain (stitch) (using crochet hook). Create a slip knot, insert the crochet hook into the loop of the slip knot. Holding both the tail and the live end of the yarn in your left hand, wrap the live end around the hook and pull this loop through the slip knot loop. Repeat until desired number of chain stitches are created.
cir(c) circular

cm centimeter

cn cable needle: a short needle to help twisting a cable

co cast on

cont continue

cor carriage on right

cross 2 L cross 2 stitches to the left (to work a cable). Slip 2 stitches p-wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in front of work as you knit the next couple of stitches; then knit stitches off of cable needle.

cross 2 R cross 2 stitches to the right (to work a cable). Slip 2 stitches p-wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in back of work as you knit the next couple of stitches; then knit stitches off of cable needle

ctr center

dc double crochet: Yarn over hook, insert hook in the next stitch to be worked, yo hook, draw through stitch, yo hook, draw through first 2 loops on hook, yo hook, draw through rem 2 loops on hook.

dec decrease

dk double knitting weight yarn. Slightly finer than worsted weight. 22 stitches (22 sts) = 1"/2.5 cm

dpn or dp double pointed needle(s). Short needle with points at both ends, used in sets or 4 or 5, for knitting in the round (mostly for socks)

dtr double treble crochet (aka quad crochet): Yarn over hook twice. Insert hook in the next stitch to be worked. Yo hook. Pull yarn through stitch—3 loops on hook. Yo hook. Pull yarn through first 2 loops on hook. Yo hook. Repeat last step until 2 loops remain on hook. Pull yarn through remaining 2 loops on hook

eon end of needle

eor end of row

est established

fc front cross (in working a cable), or front cable

fl front loop(s)

flo front loop only

FO finish off

fol(l) follow; follows; following

fpdc front post double crochet

ft front twist

g or gr gram

g st garter stitch = knit every row

grp group

hdc half double crochet: Yarn over hook. Insert hook in the next stitch to be worked. YO hook. Pull yarn through stitch. YO hook. Pull yarn through all 3 loops on hook (one half double crochet made)

hk hook

in(s) or “ inch (es)

inc increase = work twice in the same stitch

incL increase left = knit into the back of the left side of the stitch of 2 rows below stitch on the right needle

incR increase right = knit into the back of the right side of the stitch of the row below stitch on left needle

incl including

ins insert

k knit, knit stitch

k tbl or k1 tbl or k1 blp or k1b knit stitch through the back loop

k-b knit stitch in row below. (Infrequently used for knit through the back loop; see K tbl)

k-wise knit-wise. Insert right needle into the stitch as if to knit it

k1 f&b or kfb or kf&b knit 1 stitch in the front, then in the back. This is also called a Bar Increase (= inc)

k1togww knit 1 together with wrap: Slip the wrap onto the left needle tip and knit together with the stitch through the back loop.

k2t or k2tog knit 2 stitches together

k2tog tbl knit 2 stitches together, through the back loops

k3t or k3tog knit 3 stitches together

kll knit left loop (= inc)

krl knit right loop (= inc)

ktbl or k1 tbl or k1 blp or k1b knit through back loop

kw knit-wise, as if to knit knit cast on

lc left cross (to work a cable). As in: cross 2 L

lh left hand

lhn left hand needle

lp(s) loop(s)

lsi left slanting increase = insert left-hand needle under bar from front, btw last stitch worked and 1st stitch on right-hand needle, knit (or purl) strand through back of loop.

lt left twist (two stitches cross each other = smallest cable stitch possible)

m meter

m1 make 1 (= inc). If the method isn't specified, use whichever increase you like, for instance m1f. Insert lhn front to back under horizontal strand between the st on the lhn and the st just worked, forming a loop on the needle, knit this loop through the back.

m1A make 1 away (= inc)

m1L or m1 or m1f make 1 (front)(left) (= inc). From the front, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into back of loop

m1p make one purl-wise

m1R or m1b make 1 (back) (right) (= inc). From the back, lift loop between stitches with left needle, knit into front of loop

m1T make 1 towards (= inc)

mb make bobble

mc main color

meas measures

mm millimeter

my main yarn

ndl(s) needle(s)

no number

nr next row

oz ounce(s)

p purl

p tbl or p1 tbl or p1b purl through the back loop

p-b purl stitch in the row below. (sometimes used to mean purl stitch in the back loop; see p tbl)

p-wise purl wise: Insert right needle down into the front loop, or up into the back loop for tbl

p1 f&b or pfb purl the front of a stitch, then purl the back of the same stitch

p2sso pass 2 slipped stitches over

p2tog or p2t purl 2 together

p2tog tbl or p2togtbl purl 2 together through the back loops (Alternately, purl 1 st, place it back on the lhn. With point of right-hand needle (rhn), pass the next st over it and slip the st back to the rhn)

p3tog purl 3 together

pat(s) or patt(s) pattern(s)

pm place marker

pnso pass next stitch over

pop popcorn stitch

prev previous (ly)

psso pass slipped stitch over (as in slip 1, knit 1, psso)

pu or p/u pick up stitches

pu&k pick up and knit

pw purl-wise, as if to purl

Rc right cross (to work a cable), as in: cross 2 R

rc row counter

rd or rnd round, as in one entire round. In circular knitting, a “row” is called a “round”

rem remaining or remove

rep or rpt repeat

rev revers(e)(ing)

rev St st Reverse stockinette/stocking stitch. The “purl” side of plain, stockinette stitch. Purled on RS, knitted on WS

rh right hand

rhn right hand needle

rib ribbing: vertical columns of knit and purl stitches, side by side, as in K1, P1 ribbing

rnd or rd round, as in one entire round. In circular knitting, a "row" is called a "round."

rpt or rep repeat

rs right side, for instance the outside of a sweater. Stated to indicate which side is facing you when carrying out instructions

rsr right side row

rsi right slanting increase = insert lhn under bar from back, bet last st worked and 1st st on rhn, knit (or purl) strand through front of loop

rt right twist: knit the second st through the back loop, then knit the 1st (2nd st crosses over the first st, to the right) (two stitches cross each other = smallest cable stitch possible)

rt2 right twist 2

s or sl slip the next st purl-wise

sb Slip bead over next stitch

sc single crochet: Insert hook in stitch. Yarn over hook. Pull yarn through stitch. YO hook. Pull yarn through 2 loops on hook (one single crochet made)

sk skip or skein

sk st skip stitch: Move past the next stitch without working it

s2kp slip 2 sts together as if to knit, knit the next st, then pass both slipped sts over this st

sk2p slip1, knit 2 tog, pass slipped stitch over (a double decrease)

skp or skpo "Slip, Knit, Pass." Slip a stitch, knit the next stitch, pass the slipped stitch over the knit one. The same as: sl1, k1, psso

sl or s slip a stitch. If they don't specify, slip the stitch purl-wise. Unless you are decreasing: then, slip it knit-wise on the knit rows, and purl-wise on the purl rows

sl st slip stitch: Slip crochet hook into stitch, YO, draw loop through stitch and through loop on hook

sl1, k1, psso slip1 knit-wise, knit1, pass the slipped stitch over. The same as skp

sl1k or sl 1 k-wise slip a stitch knit-wise (yarn at back)

sl1 k2togpsso slip 1 st knit-wise, k 2 tog and pass slip st over the k2tog

sl1p or sl 1 p-wise slip a stitch purl-wise

sl1 wyif slip 1 st purl-wise with yarn in front

slip knot an adjustable loop, used to begin many cast-on methods

sm slip marker

sp space or single-pointed

spi stitches per inch

ss slip stitch (Canadian)

ss or St st or st st stocking or stockinette stitch: Knit 1 row, purl 1 row

ssk slip, slip, knit slipped stitches tog (= dec)

ssk (improved) sl 1, sl 1 p-wise, knit slipped sts tog

ssp slip, slip, purl, usually done on the purl-side (= dec)

sssk slip, slip, slip, knit 3 slipped stitches together. A double decrease

st(s) stitch(es)

St st or ss or st st stocking or stockinette stitch: Knit 1 row, purl 1 row

syif slip st purl-wise with yarn in front

t turn

tbl through back loop

tog together

tr treble crochet: Yarn over twice, insert hook in the next stitch to be worked, YO, draw yarn through stitch—3 loops on hook, YO, draw through first 2 loops on hook, YO, draw through first 2 loops on hook, YO, draw through rem 2 loops on hook.

Tsc Tunisian single crochet

vdd vertical double decrease: slip 2 sts as if to work k2tog, k 1, pass slipped stitches over (2 stitches decreased)

wo or won wool (or yarn) over needle

wpi wraps per inch

wrn wool round needle

ws wrong side, for instance the inside of the sweater. Stated to indicate which side is facing you when carrying out instructions

wsr wrong side row

ww worsted weight yarn

wy waste yarn

wyib or wyb with yarn in back

wyif or wyf with yarn in front

x times

yb or ybk yarn to the back. Move yarn to the back of the work by going between the needle tips

yd(s) yard(s)

yfon yarn forward and over needle. Same as yo

yfrn yarn forward and 'round needle. Same as yo

yfwd or yf yarn forward

yo yarn over: wrap the yarn around right needle

yo2 or yo twice yarn over twice

yon yarn over needle from back to front. Same as yo

yrn or yron yarn round needle: Bring yarn around needle from front to back.

ytb yarn to back of work

specific to crochet

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