Saturday, March 20, 2010

I am back!!!

Whew! Some spam site had taken over my blog. Nobody could get on, including me, without instantly getting rerouted to another site. But now all is well again :) and I better hurry and get my March entry uploaded.

Don't have too much to show, though. I saw this really cute hoodie-scarf-mittens combination-thingy somebody was sporting on the bus and was trying to recreate it. I have made a few attempts but nothing worked out yet. So that was kind of a time suck.

I also unraveled a pair of almost done socks last night because I just didn't like them. I will start over today...

As I mentioned, I bought a whole bunch of yarn recently from Knit Picks and from different ebay sources.

They are almost exclusively sock yarns. So...  MUST KNIT SOCKS!!! I do have one more pair I finished.

I am glad when Spring Break is over, the shuttle buses will run again, and I don't have to drive myself, but can ride the bus and knit again. I don't mind the extra commute time it takes.

Anyway, dh and I were at the book store last night and I saw this sock challenge ad in one of the knitting magazines with some really cool designs.

When I googled "sock challenge" after we got back home, I found all kinds of funky links: the MetaBlog sock challenge, the Rainbow Toe sock challenge, the Flickr 5280 sock challenge, the think outside the Sox contest winners and all the entries. Here are some of *MY* favorites:

But the one I really liked in the magazine, for some reason, was not included. And now I am obsessed with finding it...